But every angler has a few favorites that have proven successful over the years. Game and Fish Magazine has a great article listing 10 of the best trout fishing flies.
According to the article, the best flies that no trout angler should be without include:
- Adams (dry fly)
- Elk Hair Caddis (dry fly)
- Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear (nymph)
- Pheasant Tail
- Muddler Minnow (streamer)
- Clouser Minnow (streamer)
- Griffith's Gnat
- Woolly Bugger
- Partridge Soft Hackles
- Midges and Chironomids
You can read more these flies as well as when and how best to use them by reading the article, "10 Indispensable Trout Flies".
Shop at Bass Pro Trout Flies
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